Monday, July 12, 2010

MDSSC Summer Flag Football - Week 4 Wrap-Up

Alright, so just a quick post to wrap-up the rain soaked weekend that was flag football in Hunt Valley. I guess Mike beat me to it as the website is updated. First off, let me say that there must have been something in the rain because some unnamed guys got their panties in a bunch this last weekend. One guy was even bit on the tit! What the hell men? This is Flag Football. There is no reason to get all macho out there and try to fight someone. We are all supposed to be grown men. Act that way on the field. If someone cheap shots you, hopefully the refs will see it...if not, don't try to fight them. If you're not injured just get up and walk away. Alright, now that that's out of the way lets get to some football. 

Hitmen covered the spread (-8) in a 32-19 victory over Menace. LBH2, however, was not able to cover (-10). They did win though...they beat a 7 man Madden/Express team 26-20. This is an interesting score and Kosty commented on the last post stating to look out for them. So we will see what they have in store for us. The Victors vs Franchise game lived up to the hype. The rain was pouring and the competition was great. The final two minutes were pretty exciting. I'll paint the picture here: 

The Victors were up 32-24 with a little less than 2 minutes to go. They had the ball on their own 10. All they had to do was get a first down and the game's pretty much over. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Franchise clamped down and was able to force the Victors into a 4th and long. Victors did the smart thing and punted the ball...however, it was a line drive straight at the Franchise returner, he got it past mid-field and the play ended with about 55 seconds left. Franchise couldn't move the ball and got into a 4th and long goal. Proc threw it to the goal line and pass interference was called. This was not a bad call from the goal line ref...however, there was claim that the ball was tipped by the rusher. The line of scrimmage ref had to make the call. He said that it didn't matter (in my opinion WRONG... if the ball is tipped there is no PI. PERIOD)... either way 1st and goal from the 1. Franchise scores with about 15 seconds left. 32-30... blitz is open and the Victors make the stop. Great game by both teams! 

Other scores: 
Untouchables beat Mayhem 21-7 covering their 3pt spread.
Fuzion was able to outlast a creative Scores team 32-30. (Mike, I may have forgot to add the last second TD on the scorecard). By the way, Scores, awesome use of the pistol formation!
Victors beat CCC earlier in the day 26-14. CCC had just too many turnovers but were right there with the Victors. 
Shire remained undefeated after surviving a late surge by the guys with all heart G4B. (18-12)
Hit Squad handled the Bulldawgs 32-13
TTB crushed the Spartans 46-14...
Pre-K and the Circus Show limited just one TD to the Warriors winning 24-6
Balls Deep had 2 too many turnovers and let one slip away to the Crabcakes losing 18-19
and Bayside Tigers ended the day by beating I Hate Brion 32-6. 


  1. The last couple minutes of Victors-Franchise were great. After Franchise's punt return, I thought they were in the driver's seat. Good stand by Victors on the conversion.

  2. The score of the Untouchables v Mayhem game was 21-7. No biggie though. Good job on the blog.

  3. There we go. Just a little love is all the Circus Show needs.

  4. Thanks for the correct score. Scott of Mayhem told me that he thought it was 2 td's.

  5. TRAVIS AKA NUEVE AKA VIC 9Thursday, July 15, 2010

    HAHAHAHA......will I know your not doing any work at work so go head and give us a rundown for this upcoming weekend....I smell ummmmmm maybe 4 tds maybe 5 ill see how I feel when I wake up on saturday!!!!

  6. I resent that Nueve... :) give me a little while.

  7. Blog will be posted tomorrow. 7/16
