Monday, June 28, 2010

MDSSC - Summer Flag Football - Week 3

Guy, I am sorry but I have been busy the last couple of weeks and it's one of the reason's I was hesitant to start this thing up again. I am hoping to get back out there after the holiday. With that being said, I only know the score of one game and that is the Go4Broke vs Hitmen Game. Roger "the Great" was gracious enough to thank me for picking Go4Broke to win the game. Guess it was a good ol'fashioned ass whopping. The score told to me was 38-12. Hey Roger, I like your style man but you HAVE to bring it up to All-Pro in the fall or you have to stop talking. All in good fun man.

So if anyone wants to help me out with a write up or something of what happened in their game, I would be glad to hear it. Otherwise, this is it from me this week fellas. Have a great 4th of July weekend. 


P.S. If Mike updates the website, I might throw some predictions out there... 


  1. haha i know its all in good fun, and thats the plan man, all pro next season.

    o and i know shire beat hit squad, pretty sure they won by 6 and hit squad had a last minute chance. id call that a minor upset

  2. Roger, you look like 8 pounds of chewed bubble gum in a 5 pound sack.

  3. Hit Squad chokes in the playoffs anyway. That's why the QB is name B. Quinn... he has talent but his decision making sucks. D.J. is washed up and that's giving him credit that he ever once had skills. So that win is in no way an upset. That explains why they never set it up a league and play our teams. They would lose every game.

  4. maybe im just dumb, but i dont really get it??


  5. in order for that to not be an upset, you would have to assume shire beats hit quad on a regular basis and i know thats not the case so you point is baseless and pointless, and you probably play for some bullshit team. You say "our teams", you better play for one of the top 2 teams or your teams worth dick and probably couldnt beat the top pro team on a reg basis. maybe you can beat able danger or something

  6. I'd have to agree with a little from everyone. I think it's time for Hitmen to make the jump. Get rid of their current QB or move him to something else though for All-Pro. I think Hit Squad plays well in the season but their QB makes some poor decisions at time (has an arm but focuses on the deep ball to the same little guy one too many times) and with the playoffs being one and done he has cost them a Championship and may continue too. Their other safety is the real deal though. However Shire and Hit Squad are about the same so no upset in my book. When one of them wins it all then beating them would be an upset. Now let's be nice to one another.

  7. "P.S. If Mike updates the website, I might throw some predictions out there... "

    Don't hold your breath. Mike ... give someone a $20/week bartab at Hightopps to be your webmaster.

  8. Why is everyone anonymous but Roger?

    Update coming Friday at the latest.

  9. yea i dont know thats pretty weak, at least when im talking shit im man enough for you to know who its coming from. dont be pussys, i respect your opinion if you think ur a better qb than me, but at least man up and claim it. bc im pretty sure unless you're the qb for all madden you dont have much to say bc ive beat the shit out of every other team ive played in this league at least once. I forgot we had so many ex nfl qbs in this league.


  10. all bullshit aside though, mike really needs to get this website under control. its ridiculous to not have everything updated already.

  11. We're now 2 weeks behind. Why don't our team managers all have to email our scores by Sunday at 5pm so everything can be updated by Monday morning? At least the scores and records. Polls can be done whenever he gets extra time. They're just for fun anyway.

  12. I mean i dont think thats a bad idea either, ill do whatever to get the damn thing updated, but it shouldnt be too hard for him to call 3 refs at the end of the day, and get all the scores for the that field that day and have them up sunday. we play coed in bssc and theres close to 350 teams, dude has it updated by tuesday of the next week, mike should be able to control 30 teams. bill from victors has told me his wife/gf has volunteerd to run the site numerous times


  13. If everyone agrees to email me their scores I will keep this updated even if it is just the scores with a Monday Morning post... I need at least one contact per team though.

  14. thats cool with me, I usually stick around and watch some games, so ill email you as many scores as i can get a hold of while im at the fields


  16. Thats fine with Shire, because i know i look forward to seeing the standings if nothing else.

    But yeah he should be able to pay someone to update more consistent and maybe highlight 1 game of the week for each division gives you something to look forward to

  17. Brandon (Danger 44)Friday, July 09, 2010

    "maybe you can beat able danger or something"

    Shots at Danger from nowhere? lol You guys take flag football to the heart.. what team do you play for?
