Friday, October 29, 2010

MDSSC - Fall Flag Football Playoffs - Round 1

Back by demand... jumping right into it. 

Pro Play-in games: 
#1 Balls Deep vs #8 Karma: First let me thank Karma for their patience. They are sporting their new AGame jerseys and they look sweet! However, that isn't going to help them against Balls Deep. (BD -14)

#5 Hitmen vs #4 Closet Flags: I saw these two play each other last week and it started off good but Adam (CF) took too many chances deep and made it easy for Hitmen. Hitmen is the better team but if Closet Flags can manage the game better this might be a good one. I'm still picking the Hitmen though... (HM - 6)

#6 X-Factor vs #3 Bulldawgs: I haven't seen either team play but based on X-Factor only having 2 wins, I am going with the Dawgs. (BD -7)

#7 Regulators vs #2 HitSquad: The Regulators were able to throw some scores together last weekend but I don't think it is enough for the Squad. As long as Brady doesn't throw any crazy pick-6's this game should be theirs to lose. (HS -12)

Playoffs 1st Round: 

I am picking these games based on my opinions above. So with that being said...

#7 Danger vs HitSquad: This is actually a pretty even game. Danger has had their struggles in All Pro but I give them props for being up here straight from Semi-Pro. HitSquad has to overcome their playoff woes and until they do, I'm not sure I can pick them this time around. I have even been accused of giving them too much love. I am basing my decision on Danger's play against us (All Madden) and Untouchables...for that reason, I pick them. (AD -1.5)

#5 Pain vs Hitmen: Have not seen Pain play all season but know that they have a quick QB at the helm. This will be Hitmen's 2nd game of the day. I have no idea who to pick hear. One of the Pain guys also told me they don't get any love. Here it is (Pain -2)

#6 Express vs BullDawgs: Express has athletes and they have a strong armed QB that now has some games under his belt. If they actually field a team this week (2 forfeits), I pick them. (Ex -6)

#8 Tarheels vs Balls Deep: Tarheels are like the Detroit Lions from two years ago...winless. It stays that way this season. (BD -4)

That's it guys...I won't be able to make any games this weekend so if you have my number text me your score. Or leave a comment, if you don't mind, with what happened. Hope everyone has a good Halloween weekend. Good Luck out there!


Sunday, October 10, 2010

MDSSC Flag Football

Just a quick post to talk about my lack of posts... I have been traveling a lot lately with work and have been in and out of training. Hopefully it will wind down soon and I can focus on throwing a post up at least once a week. However, I need some help from the few of you that read. I have a kid now and am not always willing to spend 4+ hours watching the games at the field, I would rather be watching College Football with the Finster. So if a few of you can do me a favor and shoot me an email or text with your score and a write up if you want that would be great. Considering that the website hasn't been updated with scores since September, I have nothing to go on.

Email is mcginnis32 at yahoo dot com
