Thursday, April 22, 2010

Flag Football Blog....Maryland Flag Football League

Fellow Flag Footballers, 

I apologize for the lack of posts over the last couple of months. That winter season was a huge debacle with all of the weather that we got and the huge breaks in play. My team, in fact, was on a 7 week break before those playoffs that resulted in the Untouchables winning back-to-back titles. Props to them, by the way. 

Well the season started a couple of weeks ago and unfortunately, I hurt my ankle to the point that it might as well had broke. Unfortunately, I am done for the season. The doc has me on crutches and in a boot for 4-6 weeks and I am stuck at home. On top of being hobbled and missing football, my son is due to be born any day now. With all that being said, the blog isn't on top of my priority list. I can't wait to get back out there but in the mean time I can't drive let alone get out there to watch some games and take pictures or video. 

The last couple of times I posted I had suggested that some of you send me your scores and a write up if they want but only a few guys did here's the deal guys. I am out of commission for this season and maybe the summer. If you want to, send me the scores of your game and a write up if you want. If I only get 2-3 then I will just stop the blog for a while until I am at least able to come watch some games. I am putting it in your hands. I don't care either way. If I do get emails from you then we can do some polls or rankings...otherwise I will see you guys when I get back.

Thanks Beltway Bombers....just kidding.